Induced EMF due to Motional Conductor

Induced EMF in a rod moving through a U shaped container

Let us consider a magnetic field acting into the paper. Let us assume a rod of known length is moving in that field across a container with a known velocity.

We can draw an equivalent circuit and find the EMF developed in the circuit as shown below.

If a rod is moving with a known velocity and with an angle to the magnetic field, we can find the magnitude of induced EMF developed in the circuit as  shown in the diagram below.

If the same rod is bent at the middle and it is moved through with a known velocity, we can measure the induced EMF as shown in the diagram below.

When a conductor of known length is moving in a electric circuit with a known velocity, under the influence of the magnetic field, an induced EMF is generated and the corresponding force and the power generated there can be measured as shown in the diagram below.

The equation for the force and power are as shown in the diagram below.

Motional EMF generated in a rotating rod or bar

Let us imagine a rod of known length is in a magnetic field and it is passing current through it. Let it is rotated in the field with a known angular velocity. Let us assume that it has turned only through a known angle and hence some area of the sector is covered. Basing on that, we can measure the magnetic flux and magnetic field induction and induced EMF as shown in the diagram below.

The magnitude of the EMF generated in this process is independent of the spokes the wheel has. In this case we are measuring the EMF due to a wheel rotating in the magnetic field.

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